Girl meets Indian Ocean- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (2)
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Girl meets Indian Ocean- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (2)

We left Howick and spent the last couple of nights for us in South Africa in St Lucia with the aim of exploring the Isimangaliso Wetland Reserve. The road trip to St.Lucia was scenic and beautiful. I loved the sights of the Jacaranda tress scattered all over the hilly roads. We were told upon our arrival…

Sleepless in Howick- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (1)
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Sleepless in Howick- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (1)

On the 18th of July the world celebrated the 100th birthday of the great inspirational leader, Nelson Mandela. Madiba lived a remarkable life; a life devoted to fight for black rights, and campaigned against the laws that kept white and black people apart (apartheid) that led him to be imprisoned for 27 years. A worldwide…

A quest for insects along the trail of  the ‘Game of Thrones’
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A quest for insects along the trail of the ‘Game of Thrones’

Despite its dragons, dire wolves and white walkers, the Game of Thrones world isn’t quite as make-believe as it may seem. In fact, its capital, King’s Landing, is almost entirely filmed in the very real—and very beautiful—city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. Well, I happen to have visited Dubrovnik recently and while many people flock every summer to this…

Black Soldier Fly Expert Panel Discussion
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Black Soldier Fly Expert Panel Discussion

I was honored to take part in a very interesting Black Soldier Fly Expert Panel Discussion as part of the Ento Nation podcasts series. I will not write any further details so I would  give you the chance to hear all about it via the link below ☺️ I promise, it will be super fun to…

Farewell to a dancing ’17. Hello to a grand ’18
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Farewell to a dancing ’17. Hello to a grand ’18

Here, we reach that time of the year, when we somehow slow down from within. Winter didn’t arrive that early this year and we were still experiencing autumn like weather at a time it used to be snowing several years ago. Well, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all, we still had…

Marwa & the Fellas week in Petershagen
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Marwa & the Fellas week in Petershagen

Towards the upper most region of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, we decided to travel all the way from Bonn to approximately 10 kilometres northeast of Minden and precisely to the little town of Petershagen on the banks of the River Weser. The trip from Bonn to Petershagen lasted for around 6 hours, the journey started…

Beautiful Endings…New Beginings
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Beautiful Endings…New Beginings

Two years ago, the idea of spending two years on a field research in Kenya seemed overwhelming. Yes, it seemed like forever and it seemed a bit risky. The 6 months prior to traveling to Kenya, Marwa was fully absorbed in preparations. She was planning her research and reading more about a place she never visited…

La Brújula Que Late/ The beating compass
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La Brújula Que Late/ The beating compass

Ladies and gents, let’s talk tonight a little bit about Dr Adi Lazos, a Mexican dear friend of mine. Adi earned a BSc. in Crop Science from ITESM Campus Querétaro and later on pursued an Erasmus Mundus International Master in Rural Development where she studied in Córdoba University (Spain), Pisa University (Italy) and Humboldt University (Germany). Adi who…

Arts as a common language – a workshop with Saleh al Shukairi
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Arts as a common language – a workshop with Saleh al Shukairi

ZEF was our venue, an international intercultural hub in Bonn. The German Omani Association, Arabia Felix GmbH and the Embassy of Oman were our main donors, IHV Bonn were our partners, Saleh al Shukairi was our guest and the language we had in common was ARTS. My friend Hind and I thought of turning our…