A review by Prof Jeff Tomberlin 😍
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A review by Prof Jeff Tomberlin 😍

Please follow the link to read an exclusive review on our latest publications by the one and only BSF expert Jeff Tomberlin. https://www.evoconsys.com/blog/globalization-of-the-black-soldier-fly-a-series-of-well-timed-publications

Black Soldier Fly Expert Panel Discussion
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Black Soldier Fly Expert Panel Discussion

I was honored to take part in a very interesting Black Soldier Fly Expert Panel Discussion as part of the Ento Nation podcasts series. I will not write any further details so I would  give you the chance to hear all about it via the link below ☺️ I promise, it will be super fun to…

Ento Nation Podcast: The Lady of the Flies
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Ento Nation Podcast: The Lady of the Flies

I am back again with an update and a new link this time 😃 You will not only read about my research but rather get to hear my voice talking all about our research with the Black Soldier Flies. I was the Ento Nation’s podcast guest this week and I enjoyed conversing with the Cricket Man….

Marwa Shumo featured in EntoNation Magazine
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Marwa Shumo featured in EntoNation Magazine

I was delighted to be featured in one of Ento Nation, USA posts 😊 Click here for a full view of the EntoNation post on Marwa Shumo The EntoNation article Some info about Ento Nation: Your online resource for all things Ento. Bringing the benefits of bugs to people and planet. If you love bugs,…

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Protected: Reflecting on the past, explaining the present and thinking about the future: Snippets from the Migration With (out) Boundaries Conference (6-7 October 2017)

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