Marwa Shumo featured in EntoNation Magazine
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Marwa Shumo featured in EntoNation Magazine

I was delighted to be featured in one of Ento Nation, USA posts 😊 Click here for a full view of the EntoNation post on Marwa Shumo The EntoNation article Some info about Ento Nation: Your online resource for all things Ento. Bringing the benefits of bugs to people and planet. If you love bugs,…

Farewell to a dancing ’17. Hello to a grand ’18
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Farewell to a dancing ’17. Hello to a grand ’18

Here, we reach that time of the year, when we somehow slow down from within. Winter didn’t arrive that early this year and we were still experiencing autumn like weather at a time it used to be snowing several years ago. Well, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all, we still had…

IPIFF International Meeting in Brussels
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IPIFF International Meeting in Brussels

Here is an update on my trip to the capital of the European Union Brussels. An attempt to catch the early morning train despite the renovations that are currently taking place in Bonn central train station and a brief stop in Cologne central train station and as you can see, the beginning of the advent…

Beautiful Endings…New Beginings
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Beautiful Endings…New Beginings

Two years ago, the idea of spending two years on a field research in Kenya seemed overwhelming. Yes, it seemed like forever and it seemed a bit risky. The 6 months prior to traveling to Kenya, Marwa was fully absorbed in preparations. She was planning her research and reading more about a place she never visited…

Entomology without borders a.k.a The Insects Olympics
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Entomology without borders a.k.a The Insects Olympics

Away from her flies and waste samples, Marwa paid the spa a visit and to be honest while she was there nothing played in her head more than Shania Twain’s song: Man…I feel like a woman 🙂 Marwa’s visit to the spa was in line with her preparations to an exciting journey that she waiting…