UNCCD COP16 in Riyadh: Bolstering land actions for climate, people, and nature

UNCCD COP16 in Riyadh: Bolstering land actions for climate, people, and nature

Sara Velander and Nady Mahmoud (Junior Researchers in the LANUSYNCON Project at ZEF) share their insights from UNCCD COP 16, which was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 2-13, 2024. 2024 was a landmark year for global environmental governance, marking a “triple COP year” with consecutive high-profile events: New York Climate Week (USA), CBD COP16…

Boy at Malecon Ciudad Bolivar enjoying the amazining view

Beyond the Skyline: Collective Memory in Bogotá’s Largest Self-Constructed Settlement

Blog by Clement Roux, Eva Youkhana and Christian Petersheim Bogotá, November, 2024. During our research stay in Colombia’s capital we took the opportunity to visit the Museo de la ciudad autoconstruida (MCA), or the Museum of the Self-Constructed City, located in the district of Ciudad Bolivar. To get there, we took the gondola lift, which…

Combating Gender-Based Violence in rural Northern Ghana: Critical Insights into Pathways for Change

Combating Gender-Based Violence in rural Northern Ghana: Critical Insights into Pathways for Change

Blog post by Tina Beuchelt, Constance Akurugu, Theresa Weise, Biihee Na Jaafar Natasung Pelpuo, Bushira Alhassan. Every year on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed worldwide from November 25 to December 10. This day highlights the ongoing struggle of women against gender-based violence. It serves as a…

Smoggy view of Cairo's pyramids

Impressions and change of perspective: The 12th World Urban Forum in Cairo

Megacity Cairo hosted the 12th World Urban Forum on November 4-9, 2024. Eva Youkhana from ZEF was there and shares her insights in this blog. It is already dark when I arrive by plane at Cairo airport. The endless sea of lights is just as impressive as the polluted air in this megacity is unbearable….

Immersive learning: Engaging with the realities of Nairobi’s informal settlement Korogocho

Immersive learning: Engaging with the realities of Nairobi’s informal settlement Korogocho

Engaging in fieldwork is multifaceted, fraught with unique challenges and rewarding insights. I conducted my field research in Nairobi’s informal settlements Korogocho and Pumwani-Majengo because I wanted to understand the everyday dynamics around green space governance. My field study in Kenya’s capital was split up in two phases: The first phase took place from August…

Living landscapes as cultural heritage in East Africa: preserving the past and building sustainable futures

Living landscapes as cultural heritage in East Africa: preserving the past and building sustainable futures

This blog post takes you to the Konso Cultural Landscape, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Ethiopia. When we started our trip to visit our partner university in Dilla, southern Ethiopia, on July 23, 2024, we had no idea that the largest landslide ever recorded in Ethiopia had just taken place just a few kilometers…

Exploring Global South-South Connections

Exploring Global South-South Connections

ZEF’s Doctoral Studies Support Program ran a second edition of its Traveling School at the National University of Colombia’s La Paz Campus. ZEF’s German-Colombian Doctoral Studies Support Program (DSSP) and the West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation (WAC-SRT) recently concluded the second edition of the DSSP Traveling School, solidifying their collaborative efforts with the…

Tackling South America’s environmental challenges by strengthening international academic cooperation

Tackling South America’s environmental challenges by strengthening international academic cooperation

A delegation of the bilateral ZEF-led project Doctoral Studies Support Program (DSSP) paid a visit to their partners in Argentina from March 18-25, 2024. DSSP is based at ZEF and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of their SDG Graduate School Program. First stop was the conference “The challenges of the…

Blue Health for all!? One Health Day 2023 at ZEF

Blue Health for all!? One Health Day 2023 at ZEF

On November 2, 2023 the One Health and Urban Transformation Graduate School at ZEF organized a (hybrid) One Health Research Symposium in commemoration of the annual World  One Health Day (celebrated on November 3). This year’s symposium centered on “Blue Health,” emphasizing the significance of urban water systems and their impact on health and well-being….

Activists and academics for women’s land rights. Part 2

Activists and academics for women’s land rights. Part 2

The land she grows: from land access to changing practices for more gender justice. This is the second part about the event Women’s Land Rights and Gender Transformative Practices organized by the ZEF Gender Group and the Feminist Land Platform with panelists from Africa, Asia and Latin America in June 2023. This blog takes stock…