Warum ländliche Entwicklung nicht möglich ist, solange geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt überall auf der Welt existiert

Warum ländliche Entwicklung nicht möglich ist, solange geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt überall auf der Welt existiert

Blog von Tina Beuchelt, Dennis Aviles und Emily Brown* Trotz jahrzehntelanger Kampagnen und Maßnahmen gegen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt, die von feministischen Gruppen und Bewegungen auf der ganzen Welt geführt werden, ist die Zahl der Frauen und Mädchen, die häusliche, partnerschaftliche und sexuelle Gewalt erleben, nach wie vor erschreckend hoch: Eine von drei Frauen weltweit erfährt im…

Why rural development cannot happen whilst Gender-based violence remains endemic across the world

Why rural development cannot happen whilst Gender-based violence remains endemic across the world

Written by Tina Beuchelt, Dennis Aviles, and Emily Brown* Despite decades of campaigns and action against Gender-based violence by feminist groups and movements worldwide, women and girls’ experiences of domestic, intimate partner and sexual violence remain stubbornly high: One in three women worldwide experience sexual or physical violence during her lifetime, most often perpetrated by…

CSDAC students in Niger receive funding  for training 17 Nigerien women in advocacy and digital campaigning for the 17 SDGs

CSDAC students in Niger receive funding for training 17 Nigerien women in advocacy and digital campaigning for the 17 SDGs

In December 2021, the students of the Climate and Sustainable Development Actions Club (CSDAC) were awarded another grant by Plan International West and Central Africa. The new project plans to build human capacities in advocacy and digital campaigning: Seventeen Nigerien girl-leaders will receive training on how to best disseminate and promote the 17 SDGs on social media…

Water and sanitation for all? About the challenges of providing access to drinkable water in Niger

Water and sanitation for all? About the challenges of providing access to drinkable water in Niger

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 6 targets: “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. But what are the challenges on the ground in rural West Africa? Lémonla Armel Otekpo, a master student in the DAAD-funded and ZEF-run project «West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation» (WAC-SRT) and Segbedji…

Following the science at COP26: Insights and Observations on the Integration of Scientific Findings in International Climate Policy

Following the science at COP26: Insights and Observations on the Integration of Scientific Findings in International Climate Policy

This blog post was written by Sara Velander and Niklas Wagner, both doctoral researchers at ZEF’s doctoral program BIGS-DR. They spent nearly two weeks at the COP26 in Glasgow, UK (Oct. 31- Nov. 12, 2021) and observed six negotiations sessions, attended 14 side events, and conducted 19 semi-structured interviews there. Read about their impressions, observations…

Darkest before dawn: Reflections on my COP 26 experience

Darkest before dawn: Reflections on my COP 26 experience

In this blog post, ZEF- and Right Livelihood College (RLC) junior researcher Irene Awino Ojuok from Kenya relates about her impressions, experiences and insights of her participation in the COP 26 in Glasgow, United Kingdom (October 31-November 13, 2021). She was invited by the Global EverGreening Alliance (GEA) whom she represented as an Ambassador. Irene…

Reflections on a PhD journey to two continents: researching the slums of Islamabad and Brasilia

Reflections on a PhD journey to two continents: researching the slums of Islamabad and Brasilia

ZEF researcher Arslan Waheed (from Pakistan) wrote his doctoral thesis on ‘Development Discourses and Urban Poor: A Comparative Study of Slums of Islamabad and Brasilia’. He defended his thesis successfully on  August 27, 2021 and obtained his doctoral degree from Bonn University’s Faculty of Arts. His research was funded by the German Exchange Service DAAD)….

Development, peace, and violence in Colombia

Development, peace, and violence in Colombia

By Alejandro Mora Motta, Carolina Tobón Ramírez, Emilia Schmidt, & Estefanía Montoya Domínguez *) The peace agreement signed in Colombia in 2016 between the government of former president Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP) was celebrated worldwide. However, five years later, Colombia is still experiencing social crises,…


How ZEF doctoral researchers conducted field research during the Covid-19 pandemic 2020-21

Field research during pandemic times in Colombia: context and challenges By Daiana Castillo López After more than one year working on the research proposal, imagining every day how it would be developed, preparing the documents, permits, licenses, and hoping for the approval of the budget, my field research finally started on October 22, 2020. The…

ZEF in the City continued. A critical urban studies research group

ZEF in the City continued. A critical urban studies research group

In 2021, the need to engage and deepen our understanding of ‘the city’ increased due to the repercussions brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic. Two junior researchers of ZEF’s Department for Political and Cultural Change, Amit Kumar and Maryoriet Rosales, decided to organize a virtual meeting on April 6, 2021 with researchers engaged in conducting…