Do grasshoppers only eat grass? INSECTA 2019 gave the answer!

Do grasshoppers only eat grass? INSECTA 2019 gave the answer!

Do grasshoppers only eat grass? This was only one of the many interesting questions discussed and answered at the INSECTA 2019 conference. The international science gathering took place at the University of Potsdam near Berlin in Germany, in the impressive “Neuen Palais” (see Foto) of the World Heritage site of Sanssouci Park, September 5 –…

Road tripping in Japan : Impressions from our field work/trip in Yui, Shizuoka
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Road tripping in Japan : Impressions from our field work/trip in Yui, Shizuoka

On a coach heading to Yui But why Yui? Because Yui Port is located in a great position immediately off the southern coast of Suruga Bay in Shizouka prefecture and is famous for being one of the only two ports (the other one is Oigawa Port) where the fishing of the rare Sakura shrimp is…

Talking and tackling urban agriculture, urban food systems and urban health:  “One Health” partners met in Sao Paulo for further agenda setting

Talking and tackling urban agriculture, urban food systems and urban health: “One Health” partners met in Sao Paulo for further agenda setting

Around 25 participants from nine different Brazilian and German institutions of the Graduate School “One Health and Urban Transformations – identifying risks and developing sustainable solutions” met in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on June 18, 2019. They shared information about current projects, identified research themes for the One Health graduate school and discussed potential research topics…

Cricket rearing is not an easy exercise. ProciNut organized training sessions in Myanmar

Cricket rearing is not an easy exercise. ProciNut organized training sessions in Myanmar

ProciNut researcher Sarah Nischalke reported in her last research and travel blog posts about the culture of eating and producing insects in Myanmar and Thailand. She observed that whereas in Thailand edible insects are a large-scale industry, in Myanmar its potential has to be exploited fully yet (read also here). In this blog, ProciNut member…

Setting up field research in India or “wishing that everything was as easy as getting fat”

Setting up field research in India or “wishing that everything was as easy as getting fat”

Blog post by Anna Brückner, ZEF doctoral student in the project ‘One Health and Urban Transformations’ who has been conducting her field research in Ahmadabad, India since January 2019. In the beginning of this year, it was time to join my PhD colleagues from the ZEF-led project ‘One Health and Urban Transformations – identifying risks…

Being part of the Global Solutions Summit 2019
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Being part of the Global Solutions Summit 2019

By Fernanda Martinelli, doctoral student at ZEF in the  STRIVE – Sustainable Trade & Innovation Transfer in the Bioeconomy ( On March 18-19, Germany’s capital Berlin set the stage for one of the main encounters of global thought leaders in the realms of international policy and business: the Global Solutions Summit 2019. Research organizations and…

Sleepless in Howick- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (1)
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Sleepless in Howick- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (1)

On the 18th of July the world celebrated the 100th birthday of the great inspirational leader, Nelson Mandela. Madiba lived a remarkable life; a life devoted to fight for black rights, and campaigned against the laws that kept white and black people apart (apartheid) that led him to be imprisoned for 27 years. A worldwide…


Eschew obfuscation (write so that people can understand what you want to say)

This blog post was written by Cory Whitney and Anna Yuwen “The pen is mightier than the sword” (Bulwer-Lytton, 1896) is the age-old adage that highlights the power of writing. But if writing becomes muddled and unclear, does its power begin to fade? The adage emphasizes the value of communication: language that is inaccessible tends…

Al Jazeera writes about our edible insects research
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Al Jazeera writes about our edible insects research

Here I am posting a link to a report that Al Jazeera wrote about our research on edible insects and the shift in European policies & legislations regarding the production & consumption of insects for food & feed in Europe. The article (in Arabic only) can be reached via the link belowالحشرات-والديدان-على-موائد-الألمان-قريبا