Girl meets Indian Ocean- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (2)
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Girl meets Indian Ocean- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (2)

We left Howick and spent the last couple of nights for us in South Africa in St Lucia with the aim of exploring the Isimangaliso Wetland Reserve. The road trip to St.Lucia was scenic and beautiful. I loved the sights of the Jacaranda tress scattered all over the hilly roads. We were told upon our arrival…

Sleepless in Howick- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (1)
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Sleepless in Howick- Impressions from the “Rainbow Nation” (1)

On the 18th of July the world celebrated the 100th birthday of the great inspirational leader, Nelson Mandela. Madiba lived a remarkable life; a life devoted to fight for black rights, and campaigned against the laws that kept white and black people apart (apartheid) that led him to be imprisoned for 27 years. A worldwide…

When Tropentag goes to Ghent
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When Tropentag goes to Ghent

Marwa was train hopping from Bonn to Beautiful Ghent the other day ,yet on another insects related trip. [aesop_gallery id=”3774″ revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”] Tropentag 2018 just took place on the 17th to the 19th of September and this time it was hosted by the University of Ghent in Ghent, Belgium. For those wondering what Tropentag is,…

The German President & I: ZEF at the Villa Hammerschmidt Open Day 2018
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The German President & I: ZEF at the Villa Hammerschmidt Open Day 2018

Little did I know when I decided to work with Black Soldier Flies that they will take me on this breathtaking journey. Seldom do you get invited to take part at an event in an official presidential palace and even more seldom do you get  invited to take part at an event in an official…

Out and about in Nairobi- An insider’s tour
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Out and about in Nairobi- An insider’s tour

Here comes my little brother Dr Moath on a short visit from Oman and it’s time to get busy out and about in Nairobi. Although I have been mostly residing in Nairobi for the past two years, I noticed that my blogs are mostly documenting   my trips outside of the city that I call home…