We made it to a list of great blogs on edible insects associated with an article on edible insects & food security for “The Independent”
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We made it to a list of great blogs on edible insects associated with an article on edible insects & food security for “The Independent”

University of Cambridge researcher Charlotte LR Payne wrote an article for the independent on edible insects & food security with an accompanying supplementary list on blogs related to edible insects including my ZEF blog section 🙋🏽‍♀️☺ Here is a link to Charlotte LR Payne’s blog http://www.libertyruth.com/blog/an-article-for-the-independent-and-a-list-of-great-blogs

Back in Berlin: International Green Week 2018
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Back in Berlin: International Green Week 2018

I woke up on the morning to the 14th of November 2017 to a very beautiful and delighting email from the wonderful Anne Borisch, a junior consultant working for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)  (English: German Corporation for International Cooperation ) which is a German development agency headquartered in Bonn and Eschborn that provides…

18th Bonn Science Slam
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18th Bonn Science Slam

2018 started in a fantastic way. You could see the atmosphere we had from the fireworks we enjoyed and that ignited our city’s skyline. Somewhere in December, I was hooked up with the agency in charge of organizing the 18th Bonn Science Slam through my supervisor who encouraged me to go for it. This comes…