Carried away by life :-)

Carried away by life :-)

It’s been a while since I last blogged but life has been very busy on my side.Recently I started a demo prelimenary experiment to test a model I designed.Within some days hopefully will know if the design was proper so we can expand it into a larger scale or if it still needs some alterations.
The model designing phase included some trips to the market to shop for materials needed and some visits to icipe’s workshop where the model was constructed.






Towards the end of July,Kasarani where I work and live welcomed a dear president,someone whom Kenyans call their own son 🙂



Everyone was celebrating the arrival of President Obama and we had a day off from work but I still did walk to work.That day icipe was empty as many of its employees who live all over the city could not make it to work as the main highways were closed for security reasons.Who would mind a long weekend anyways 😀        I won’t 😉
Staying here is also teaching me how to be more patient.People will not arrive to the meeting on time,still I will and I will wait as long as it takes.When the power goes down,I no longer sit and wait.Instead I lit my candles and carry on with my tasks.


I concluded the holy month of Ramadan and I celebrated the breakfast feast with my landlady and her wonderful family in a very Kenyan way.We had Nyama Choma( Meat on charcoal) and it was fun.



I still think that things are going pretty fine and I am happy with my progress in research and I know what I exactly want to do…
The weather remains to be nice.I enjoy taking short breaks outdoors within icipe’s campus just to worship nature and adore the pleasant climate <3



In my free times,I enjoy preparing some local delicacies.In no time I became the master of whole wheat Chapati( flat bread).




In case you ever stopped by icipe,do stop by for a cup of tea. In case you couldn’t find me, I am the girl whose office’s door is covered in cute stickers :-p


Till later 🙂

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